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In the eyes of a Satan a powerful Christian is not a prayerful Christian, but the Christian that has spiritual knowledge. The North wind always come with sword and spears to destroy everything on its pathway. The Devil is always roaring about like a lion seeking whom he may devour. The people of God do not go into captivity because of their transgressions but because they lack knowledge. The most powerful way to deliver people from captivity is to empower them with spiritual knowledge. In this epistle, your eyes will open, I will show you some jaw dropping revelations. There are circumstances in people’s lives which they claim is from the Lord whereas it’s not from God. We know the Lord chastises His beloved ones, but His chastisement doesn’t last a long time. If you are going through delay, you will find out the cause in this message and you will see their solutions. (READ Isaiah 5:13-15, and Hosea 4:6).

Our God does not postpone the answer to prayers. If your prayer fall in line with His good pleasure and His will, it receives its answer almost immediately. (See Isaiah 65:24, Revelation 8:1-5, Mark 11:24, and Matthew 7:7-8). God delights in answering the prayers of His children. He is our very present help in times of need. If you pray and do not see a sign of the answer to your prayer within 24 hours it means that the prayer is not in line with the will of God for your life. (See James 3:4); it could also means that your heavens are shut because you are living in iniquity. (See Isaiah 59:1-2). To pray amiss means that what you are asking does not help your spiritual life neither does it have any contribution to your life in the afterlife. It is written that, the prayer of a sinner is an abomination before the Lord. We are all sinners in the face of God. But the sinner whose prayer is an abomination before Him is that person who is not living in the fear of the Lord. Such people no longer see some of their deeds as sin. (See Proverbs 15:8).

Delays happen in different forms. Delay in marital blessings, delay in conception, delay in manifestation of prophecies, and delay in your financial expectations. The first cause of delay in blessings is foundation errors. (See Psalm 11:3). Foundation means the basic pillars that establish your sojourn here on Earth: they are family/ancestral covenants, evil cycles, inherited/generational/parental/ancestral/divine curses, and limiting beliefs that you grew up with. These are the four pillars of foundational errors. How then do I know if my problems or delays are coming from foundational errors? It’s simple, if you see yourself eating with dead relatives; if you always dream of going back to your village or former place of abode; if you always dream of domestic animals chasing you; if you see wild cats after your life; if you dream of dead people saying the came to give you blessings; if you dream of going to water or forest; if you see yourself climbing a mountain in the dream world. But, how can one break-free from foundational error? I will show you in the lines below.

The skies may look blue but in real sense they are yellow. Adam is the first man but not the first humanoid that lived in this planet. They were the inhabitants that God destroyed in the antediluvian flood. And the Earth was without form and void, then God said, let there be light. Adam is one from whom all foundational errors started. The second cause of delay in blessings is when a person’s life is under siege. The Bible said that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places. (See Ephesians 6:12). When the principalities are fighting a person it leads to delay in blessings. Who are these principalities? They are the law enforcement agents of the Earth. They are the fallen angels whom the Lord nicknamed the Cankerworm, Palmerworm, Locust, and Caterpillars. (See Joel 2:25-27). When the Principalities of Persia arrested Arch-angel Gabriel and held him for 21days, it was because of the iniquity of the people. (READ Daniel 10:1-13). If you are living in iniquity, then your delays are coming from the siege of the principalities over your life. And a person is said to be living in iniquity when he or she refuses to give God His fair share in his or her life; and when a person is wicked or judgmental to other humans. In this case, you should help yourself by doing the right thing—repent of your wickedness! (See Matthew 7:1-12, and Haggai 1:8-11).

The graveyard has been eating people every day but still hungry. God cursed the Serpent that by its belly shall it go, and dust shall be its food. That is why the Devil’s food is flesh and blood. No man can do the work of God when he or she is dead. Make hay while the sun shine. The third reason why people suffer delay is if they are not growing spiritually. (See 3 John 1:2). There are blessings you cannot receive with your current state of spiritual growth. Don’t you ask why when God wants to bless people He will say, ‘’come up hither?’’ If you need wealth from God you must become a son not a babe in the matters of the kingdom; you must be able to keep secrets; and you must have the heart to give sacrificially. To break-free from family foundations you will need prophetic assistance (my assistance) because it requires some spiritual ordinances. I have a lot to tell you about this matter my schedules are calling for attention. (READ Hebrews 4:8-11, Amos 3:7, 2 Chronicles 20:20, and Hosea 12:13). However, to know more, you can subscribe to our YOUTUBE channel on Melchizedek Church TV and watch my teachings.


…preparing the saints for the second coming of Jesus Christ!

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